Hello and thanks for dropping by. This is the blog of Dan and Adrienne Rowe owners of Rowe Portrait Studios in Oakland City, IN. We use this blog as a place to put our day to day ramblings, small session previews and anything else we can think of. Stop by often as we update it usually several times per week. We also list information regarding promotions and discounts offered by our studio. If you haven't already, check out our main site at roweportraitstudios.com
We had the honor of taking Jordan's senior pictures today. We squezed in a ton of shots in a really short time and captured great images in the proccess. All was well until the "gun" shots. We both took great care in making sure the gun that we knew was unloaded was infact empty. It wasn't until that barrell was pointed in my lens and Adrienne knocked a stool onto the floor that the "bang" happend. Wow, I was a bit freaked out for just a second. Oh well, kinda goes along with the turf. Thanks Jordan we had fun..hope you did too. Here are some of the keepers.
I was under strict orders that we had to have everything wrapped up in time for the Indy game when the Greens came to the studio today. Objective met...and we got some really great stuff, including an awesome picture of Dennis with a bright pink background (it should be ranked number #1 at flicker any time now...just kidding Dennis don't blow up my house please.) We always have a blast when the Green family comes over and today was no exception. Thanks Dennis, Shannon, Alisha, and Rene we had a really good time. Here are a few to look over....
This evening we had a family session with the Boxell family. We actually had 4 generations in the the studio. Jack, Karen, Ashley and Trisha had that covered. We had fun and ran through the session pretty quick. We had a good time getting that pretty little girl Trisha to laugh and smile. Here are some shots from the session.
Today we had the pleasure of taking pictures for the Vaughn family. Matt, Kim, and Shelby showed up ready to work and after a few minutes of me fiddling with the music, we finally put them to work. That little Shelby is a cutie. She was a natural in front of the camera. Kim warned me that Matt didn't like having his pictures taken and even told of some past photographers that had their lives cut short by getting on his bad side. I guess all was well cause I'm still here...LOL. We captured some fun images for them and here is a few I've picked to show you all. Thanks again Matt, Kim and Shelby, we had a blast.
Michelle, Greg, Gabe, Taylor, Jordan, and Grace just left our studio. We took some family pictures for them. Gabe was asleep when they arrived, Greg was needing sleep, and Taylor and Jordan did not want to be here. Well none of that matters when you have such a great family as the Jones family. These guys did awesome. We got a ton of shots in a record 45 min session. Thanks alot guys for coming out today. Adrienne and I hope you had as much fun as we did. Check the teaser after the break......
Chandler, Emily, and Cole came over today and we took some fun pictures with them. Today was special because it was our first session with "Royalty." It turns out that Emily won the title of Little Miss Heritage Days (hope I got that right.) Anyway today was fun and we got some really great pictures in a short amount of time. You can't tell from these pictures, but these kid were worn out. They were so good, but still really tired. They just wanted a nap and for the goofy guy with the camera to leave them alone :) . Thanks for coming over guys, we had a blast. Here are some from this morning.
Jason and Amber brought their family over and we took got some really good shots of them and the kids. Too bad it has taken me 2 weeks to get them posted on the blog. Sorry I forgot. Anywho...we had a good time and the pretty much all of the shots we took turned out great it was really hard for me to narrow down for the proofs. I did though and here are a few of my favorites. Thanks Amber and Jason for letting us take pictures of your beautiful family. Bree says thanks too, she loves playing w/ Viva :)
Ginger and her brother Chris brought their families over today for a session. We did some inside stuff and some outside fall stuff. It's getting cold pretty quickly and the trees are loosing their leaves very fast. We had a good time taking pictures for these two families. Thanks for coming out guys. Here are a few from the session.
For our second shoot today we scheduled John and Stacy Oliver and their family. I work with John at Verizon and as ugly as I know he is, I was surprised to find out that he doesn't actually break cameras that photograph him. Just kidding John. Anywho, everybody had a good time with these. Here are is a few teaser images from the day. Thanks again. Enjoy!